Defending the weak and innocent, against enemies of the freedoms of the United States. Yea thats right, if you or your organisation makes these pages then it's because you've been Anti-American!

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Al Gore, the self-proclaimed “global climate change activist”, keeps trying to tell us how to live. You shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t do that.

Really? Where’s our freedom of choice? When did America become a communist dictatorship?

What makes Al Gore qualified to comment on anything? This is a guy who couldn’t even beat George W. Bush. Who is perhaps the most unpopular president we’ve ever had (I love Bush!) and yet most Americans would pick Bush or even Homer Simpson to be president over Al Gore.

Do us all a favour Al, go and live in Cuba along with the rest of your communist friends, and leave us freedom loving Americans to make up our own minds.


Zeke Krahlin said...
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Zeke Krahlin said...

So you're a patriot, eh? "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" (Samual Johnson). Unless you're *really stupid, you know very well that the Supreme Court chose Dumbya over spite of the fact that Gore won the popular vote. The recount was sabotaged by traitors like yourself, who hide behind the skirt of patriotism, like the little tit-f*cking perverts you are. I am *so glad to see your blog here, virtually dead in the your stupid reich-wing morals.